Wednesday, December 26, 2012

If I could tell a new homeschool mum one thing.....

If I could tell a new homeschool mum one thing, it would be… to give it ( whatever it is) Time.
Time. The biggest secret in homeschooling/unschooling.
Time for a child to mature, so that the boy who hates writing at age six
(“why do I have to do this”) is just given time to mature, no pressure to write, just sharing books together until one day he finds his voice and writes and blogs.
Time for the shared experiences to be shared, to shape the child, to allow him to explore, think, play, be a child…so that he chooses, as a teen, to study ancient languages at a university winter school and needs no nagging about homework. He has had time to find out what he likes and how he learns.
Time to spend with family and friends, exploring persona (today it’s Batman, tomorrow it is a Roman soldier), learning how to interact with others, to control temper, to think of others, to learn about self.
Time to read and read together without school schedules and have-tos.
Time for that stubborn toddler to grow into a self disciplined, determined young man. Time for that  very sensitive child to grow into a young man who thinks deeply and spiritually.
Time to cook, to do crafts, to play games, to climb trees, to visit and re-visit museums and libraries, to learn.
And time for mum to realise that things that seem major and  crisis making and overwhelming now will pass.
Time has been my homeschooling secret. Regardless of circumstances and living situations, I have learned to give myself and my kids time.


Lincoln Classical Music News said...
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MrsF3 said...

Thank you! I was quasi-unschooled (and then chose to do Seton in Highschool-and loved it). I want to unschool my own children (my first child turns one tomorrow!), and I will be turning to this blog for inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...time! That's perfectly said! We unschool as well and this is something I learned early in our unschool adventures.